July 2020
Meet Kevin O’Gilvie, founder and CEO of New York City based Bleu Coffee. Inspired by his Jamaican heritage, Kevin founded Bleu Coffee as a curated farm to cup experience using only the best Arabic varietals. From sustainable farm practices to the deep rich brew in your cup, Kevin and his team’s goal is to ensure a higher quality coffee and higher environmental standards for the earth. Bleu Coffee is roasted to order with the date and roaster name inscribed on the bag. Now this sounds like the best part of your morning, doesn’t it? Kevin knows joe, so let’s get to know more about Kevin, shall we?
Follow Bleu Coffee @bleucoffee
Who are you?
My name is Kevin O'Gilvie and I am the owner of Bleu Coffee.
What’s on your mind?
Adjusting to the new normal, given all of the challenges facing the world today.
Where are you right now?
I am currently out for a walk with my 2-year old daughter, enjoying nature.
When did you start?
I started Bleu Coffee in 2016.
Why do you do what you do?
I love being able to share a piece of my Jamaican culture with clients, coffee has always been a part of my life and sharing the experience makes me happy.
Wise words:
Live the life you love and love the life you live.