Peter’s Holiday Gift Guide

This season, I’ve got your colors! Whether Grandma is true blue, your BFF is seeing red, your co-worker is solid gold, or Dad goes green, I’ve picked my favorite holiday-hued gifts for everyone on your list. ‘Tis truly the season, so shine bright and boldly shimmer with gloriously tinted largesse, be it baubles large or small. So without further ado, my 2022 Holiday Gift Guide!

peter som white mood board

White album. In Western cultures, the color white is often associated with weddings and angels and is often used to convey a sense of purity, cleanliness and peacefulness. A few gifts for those pure optimists.


Being green? Easy! For many people, the color green has strong associations with nature and brings to mind lush grass, trees and forests. For others, green is money, luck, health and envy. Get jolly, for those who go green.


Golden, girl. The glittery hue can mean luxury, success, achievement, triumph, royalty and fortune. The meaning of the color gold is multifaceted, often denoting generosity and compassion. Some gifts for those who expect that gold standard.


True blue! Baby, this hue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, inspiration and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith and intelligence. So, for your blue babes this season, sky’s the limit.


Red hot! Red can mean life, health, vigor, courage, anger and love. The common thread is that all these require passion. So, for those who wear their heart on their sleeve, make it red this season.